About Recipient Rights
Recipients of community mental health services have certain rights guaranteed by the Michigan Mental Health Code and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The employees of St. Clair County Community Mental Health Authority and its provider network are responsible for promoting and protecting these rights.
How to file a Recipient Rights Complaint
If ANYONE knows or suspects that the rights of a recipient of mental health services have been violated, they may file a complaint with the St. Clair County Community Mental Health Authority - Office of Recipient Rights.
To initiate the complaint process, please complete the Recipient Rights Complaint Form below:
Recipient Rights Advisory Committee
According to the Michigan Mental Health Code, the St. Clair County Community Mental Health Authority's Board of Directors must appoint a Recipient Rights Advisory Committee (RRAC) that oversees the functions of the Office of Recipient Rights. The St. Clair County Community Mental Health Authority's RRAC is comprised of eight members and meets quarterly.
Office of Recipient Rights
Recipient Rights Director
Sandy O'Neill
Phone: (810) 966-3356
Email: soneill@scccmh.org
Recipient Rights Advisor
Marissa George
Phone: (810) 966-3547
Email: mgeorge@scccmh.org
Recipient Rights Advisor
Tracy Duncan
Phone: (810) 276-4423
Email: tduncan@scccmh.org
Recipient Rights Advisor
Jocelyn Henderson
Phone: (810) 966-3516
Email: jhenderson@scccmh.org
Recipient Rights Secretary
Ashley Brennan
Phone: (810) 966-3346
Email: abrennan@scccmh.org