About Integrated Healthcare

Integrated healthcare is the coordination of physical and behavioral health. Integrating mental health, substance use and primary care services produces good outcomes. It is also a very effective way to care for people who have multiple healthcare needs. Integrated healthcare aims to remove barriers making it easier for you to take care of yourself, both mentally and physically.

What is Wellness?

Wellness is not just the absence of illness or stress. You can strive for wellness, even if you are experiencing challenges in your life. When you aim for Wellness, think about the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, which play an important role in your health and well-being: emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual.

Why Integrated Healthcare?

In short – because it is better care. Integration creates a better healthcare experience for you, decreases healthcare costs and promotes better health outcomes. It allows for people to be seen and treated as a whole person, caring for both the body and mind. People who receive behavioral health services at CMH and physical health services at the Peoples’ Clinic (or through their own physician) can experience the benefits of Integrated Healthcare.

About the People's Clinic

The People’s Clinic for Better Health is a non-profit primary care clinic providing medical services to adults age 18 years or older. Services are provided at no cost to those who are under and/or uninsured, individuals with Medicaid or dual Medicaid/Medicare insurance, and individuals who receive services at St. Clair County Community Mental Health and want to receive integrated healthcare services. 

The Clinic is conveniently located inside the CMH main office in Port Huron, making it easy for a person to access behavioral health and physical health services all under the same roof. People enrolled at the Clinic receive the same type of medical services you receive from any primary care provider, such as: care for chronic health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, treatment for illness like colds and flu, preventive care such as vaccinations, and annual check-ups. 

Individuals who receive integrated healthcare services from both CMH and the People's Clinic receive quality, comprehensive care from a multidisciplinary treatment team that includes both your physical and mental health providers. 

People's Clinic website

What Should I Expect at my First Appointment?

You can expect your first appointment at the clinic to take about an hour. After you check in, your vitals will be taken, as well as your medical history. The information will be recorded in your chart. Next, you’ll meet with a health care professional who may take bloodwork, provide further testing, or provide vaccinations. When your appointment is finished, staff will help you make your next appointment or connect you with a specialist if needed.

What if I have my own doctor?

If you receive behavioral health services at CMH, you can still receive all of the benefits of Integrated Healthcare even if you have your own primary care doctor that you would like to continue seeing. You simply need to sign a consent allowing us to request your physical health records so we can work with your doctor to provide you with integrated treatment. The process for how we coordinate your care is a bit different, but the care and services you will receive are the same.

What insurance does the People's Clinic accept?

The clinic is credentialed to accept the following insurances:


  • Straight Medicaid
  • United Healthcare
  • Meridian
  • McLaren
  • Blue Cross Complete


  • Straight Medicare
  • Part C Aetna Value Plan PPO
  • Part C Humana Choice PPO

*An individual must have one of the above Medicaid plans in addition to Medicare

Benefits of Integrated Healthcare at CMH:

  • Supports to help you quit smoking
  • Access to programs for exercise and nutrition support
  • Wellness workshops and classes on topics like cooking healthy foods, exercises, and stress reduction
  • A treatment team that will include your CMH case manager and medical staff that will meet regularly to help coordinate your care, ensuring that all of your behavioral health and physical health needs are being addressed.
  • Electronic Medical Records that can be seen by both your behavioral health and medical providers ensuring better coordination of care.

Best reasons to receive care through the

  • It’s easy!
    Just walk in to the clinic, and staff can assist you with setting an appointment.
  • It’s convenient!
    Located on-site at CMH, you only need to visit one building for mental health and wellness services.
  • It’s personal!
    You can choose to participate in free classes and heath workshops - choose as many or a few as you want.
  • For support!
    With a Wellness Coach who is part of your treatment team, help to reach your health goals is never far away.