Mentorship Matters – Unlocking Your Potential Lunch and Learn

St. Clair County Community Mental Health 3111 Electric Ave., Port Huron, MI

Bring your lunch and learn the Importance of Mentorship, explore the value of having a mentor and why it’s essential for personal and professional growth. Check […]

Medication Training

St. Clair County Community Mental Health 3111 Electric Ave., Port Huron, MI

Registration/Cancellations:  Contact Joy Hill at or 810-966-2578. Location:  SCCCMH Main - 1st Floor - Auditorium Prerequisite Material Required Prior to Training Attendance

Zero Suicide Introduction to Suicide Prevention

St. Clair County Community Mental Health 3111 Electric Ave., Port Huron, MI

Registration/Cancellations:  Contact Joy Hill at or 810-966-2578. Location:  SCCCMH Main Building - 1st Floor Auditorium