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03-002-0015Abbreviations and Acronyms in Case Records

This document lists approved abbreviations and acronyms that may be used in the case record. Included lists are general terms, Evidence Base Practices, medical terms, psychological assessments and measurement tools, groups and organizations.

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Administration of Oral Topical Medications

This document describes the process to ensure the safe and accurate administration of medication to the individuals we serve.

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Administrative Procedures Related to Board Fiscal Responsibilities

This document provides additional the procedures that relate to the Standard in Board Policy 07-001-0005 Board Fiscal Responsibility.

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Advance Directives

This Board policy provides direction to employees regarding a recipient?s right to receive information about and assistance with completing an advance directive (written document recognized under state law granting decision-making authority to an authorized individual if a person becomes incapacitated or identification of procedures a person does not want performed in the event they become incapacitated/suffer cessation of both respiration and circulation) as established by state law.

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Adverse Drug Reactions

This document describes management of adverse reactions to medication.

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Advisory Council Membership

This Board policy enforces our accountability to community stakeholders and to the individuals we serve, by providing them with the opportunity and responsibility to be a partakers in how services are implemented. This includes review of policies that direct services.

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After Hours Crisis Intervention

This document outlines the process to ensure a full continuum of services by providing the people we serve with alternate services during non-regular business hours and the opportunity to attain assistance and supports in using their problem solving and coping skills.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Agency Coverage and Closure

This document is to ensure comprehensive staff coverage when open and to that consistent and safe standards are followed for closing programs and/or the agency in the advent of adverse weather conditions or building problems.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Appeal Process & Second Opinion

This document provides information and steps an individual has a right to take if unsatisfied with services and supports. The policy defines various legitimate reasons or grounds to appeal and processes to request an appeal and/or second opinion, along with timeframes for the complaints and timeframes for a resolution. Information regarding Adverse Benefits, State Fair Hearing, Dispute Resolution and expedited appeals are addressed.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Appeals of Recipient Rights Compliant Findings and Dispute Resolution

This Board policy provides an overview of the recipient rights appeals process available to appellants (complainants, recipients, and guardians) as established by the MDHHS-CMHSP contract and technical requirement, Recipient Rights Appeals Process.

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Autism Applied Behavior Analysis Medicaid & MI Child Benefit

St. Clair County Community Mental Health Authority (SCCCMHA) shall provide and manage services of the Autism Benefit, including Applied Behavior Analysis, through the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Benefit, according to all applicable Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and federal standards and requirements.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Behavior Treatment Plan Review

This document provides the rules/guidelines for implementing aversive and intrusive techniques to protect individuals who present aggressive behaviors that are harmful to themselves and/or others. Terms in this document include Sentinel Event, Special Consent, Restraint, Seclusion, Positive Behavior Supports, Physical Management, unexpected death, etc.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Behavior Treatment Plan Review Committee

This policy identifies the specified Committee structure and its oversight responsibilities, various types of restrictions, protective techniques, Recipient Rights involvement, the documents used to ensure Treatment Plan and diagnosis appropriateness as well as, BTPRC reporting. Terms in this document include Critical Incident, Intrusive Techniques, Risk Events, Sentinel Event, Lethality Reviews, etc.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Board Fiscal Responsibilities

This Board policy is to ensure SCCCMHA operates in a manner that is fiscally responsible and ensures accountability for the use of the public funds; and proper internal controls are in place to manage risk and monitor performance. Included are numerous defined accounting terms.

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Board Members: Attendance, Per Diem, Travel and Expense Reimbursement

This Board policy requests Board Members to attend all SCCCMHA Board meetings, activity calendar; Special Committee/Advisory Council meetings that they have been appointed to by the SCCCMHA Board Chairman and be reimbursed for attendance and travel expenses.

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Building Health and Safety

This document includes processes to ensure all St. Clair CMH locations maintain a safe atmosphere inside and outside, via periodic building inspections.

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Building Reserve Fund & Management Referrals

This document provides a description of how the building reserve fund is established, managed, accessed and replenished to pay for ongoing expenses such as repairs.

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Case Management

This document defines Casemanagment, Supports Coordination and Person Centered Planning Facilitator. It ensures quality services with options of whom may provided those services.

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Case Record Format and Removal Process

This document gives a description of the EHR (Electronic Health Record), the location of documents within the EHR. Responsibilities and process for Records Staff, scanning/uploading etc.

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Case Record Timeline

This document identifies the timeframes for case record documentation.

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Central Intake Unit (CIU)

This document defines various assessment tools, medical necessity, hours, days and locations of operation for CIU. Provides processes for new recipients of services, court appointed recipients, outreach and referrals.

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Children’s Waiver Program – Category of Care

This document explains the funding source of the CW program, the services it offers and who qualifies for CW services.

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Choice of Mental Health Professional

This Board policy provides direction to employees regarding the procedures for processing a recipient?s request to choose/change their mental health professional as established by the Mental Health Code.

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Claims Payment Appeals

This document explains the claims payment/repayment grievance and appeal process and the standards followed.

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Claims Verification

This document defines various types of claims and provides the guidelines for claims management as defined by federal and state regulations and MDHHS.

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Clinical Service Protocols and Practice Guidelines

This document identifies types of eligibility status, Evidence Based Practices and other clinically approved practices and disseminates that information to the SCCCMHA provider network to guide and determine appropriate behavioral healthcare and substance use services.

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Clozaril (Clozapine) Clinic

This document provides a process to safely provide Clozaril to appropriate individuals and to maintain compliance with associated regulatory (REMS) guidelines.

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CMH Provider Advance

This document ensures its providers of behavioral health services have the working capital necessary to cover operating expenditures, such as payroll and vendor payments, in a timely manner.

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Communication by Mail Telephone and Visits

This administrative procedure provides direction to employees regarding a resident’s right to communicate with persons of their choosing at any time via in-person visits, mail, and telephone communications as established by the Mental Health Code and MDHHS Administrative Rules, and the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs rules for group homes.

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Community Electronic Health Records (CEHR)

This document provides a description of CEHR (Community Electronic Health Record), a secure, confidential and easy to use website, allowing 24-hour access to elements of an individual?s health record.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Compensated Absences Reserves

This document describes the funds that are set aside to pay for earned leave time and related fringe benefit costs and restrictions of fund use and how maintained.

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Compliant Investigation, Reports and Remediation

This administrative procedure provides a general overview of the recipient rights complaint investigation system as established by the Mental Health Code.

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Comprehensive Assessment

This document outlines CIU?s procedures to follow when completing an intake on an individual to determine service eligibility, the documentation that needs to be completed and the tasks of staff.

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Computer Information System Security

This document ensures proper use and integrity of agency?s computer resources and information systems.

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Conflict of Interest

This Board policy provides the guidelines by which all employees are obligated to conduct business that prohibit actual or potential conflicts of interest.

Board Policyboard-policy


Consent Forms

This document identifies and lists all clinical and some financial consent forms used by St. Clair CMHA. Consent forms list include, state required, program and activity specific as well as, St. Clair County Court consent forms.

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Contract Audited Financial Statement

This document describes the process in which SCCMHA reviews the audited financial statements for contract agencies, the expectations of the audit and the process is to resolve any findings or disagreements found as a result.

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Contract Management

This Board policy to ensure maintenance of system of contract management in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws as well as, the MDHHS and PIHP contracts.

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Controlled Substances Prescribing

This document applies to Peoples Clinic and provides prescribing safety and consistency for controlled substances. It also provides a means of follow up and coordination with SCCCMHA should concern arise that abuse or misuse of controlled substances may be occurring.

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Coordination of Care

This document provides the guidelines to ensure care coordination between the individuals served and their primary care and/or other health providers, to ensure a more inclusive, holistic and communicative service experience.

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Copyright Compliance – OASIS

This document provides a description of how CMH and its providers need to fully support US and international copyright law to fulfill moral and legal obligations with respect to use of the copyright protected materials of others.

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Corporate Compliance Complaint, Investigation & Reporting Process and Non-Retaliation

This Board Policy is to have a corporate compliance program that includes a compliance plan; education and training; a process for receiving and investigating complaints; and reporting.

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Costing Principles

This document describes the standards and procedures followed for determining rates used in SCCCMHA contracts and the guidelines followed.

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County of Financial Responsibility (COFR)

This document identifies which county is financially responsible for Specialty service(s) provided outside the county in which the individual resides.

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Court Ordered Treatment (Including Involuntary Hospitalization)

This document defines the process for ensuring court ordered treatment while protecting the rights of the recipient.

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Critical Incident Stress Management Plan

This document highlights the external Trauma Response Team and their tasks to assist the community with Critical Incidents, such as suicide of a high school student, line of duty death, homicide, events involving multiple children or injuries.

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Cultural Competency

This Board policy ensures MDHHS cultural competency guideline adherence by providing staff with cultural competency training or sensitivity training to promote mutual respect and awareness of differing cultures, people, nationalities, religious beliefs, sexual orientation social class, etc.

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Customer Services and Access Customer Service Department

This document provides the guidelines for initial and on-going access into the CMH system, as well as Customer Service Department outreach. This policy enforces the reality that all departments, whether front line direct services or secondary administrative services, provide some form of service to ensure customer satisfaction, which may include assistance with a grievance compliant and/or an appeal.

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Death Reporting

This Board policy provides direction to employees regarding the reporting requirements for recipient deaths as established by the MDHHS-PIHP contract.

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Demographic Data Collection

This document provides a description of the demographic and clinical data contained in OASIS on each individual prior to submitting any service provision data.

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Duty to Warn

This document mandates notification (Duty to Warn) be made to applicable parties when a recipient of services makes threat against third parties.

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Electronic Health Record Management

This document provides a description of the Electronic Health Record including but not limited to Integrity of data, the request to amend the record, correction, deletion and disclaimers.

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Emergency Preparedness

This document defines critical and emergency events, identifies required safety drills and the describes processes for responding to those events.

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Enrollee Information Rights

This document provides direction to employees regarding the federal requirement that providers notify Medicaid beneficiaries/enrollees of their rights as established by the United States Code of Federal Regulations and the Medicaid Provider Manual.

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Enrollee Rights

This administrative procedure provides a general overview of the rights of Medicaid beneficiaries/enrollees as established by the United States Code of Federal Regulations and Medicaid Provider Manual.

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Equipment Inventorying

This document provides the recording and disposing of inventory in accordance with HIPAA guidelines.

Keywords: equipment, inventory, data, HIPAA

Administrative ProcedureContracted Network Providers, Directly Operated Programs, SCCCMH Board Members, SCCCMH Staffadmin-procedurecontracted-network-providers directly-operated-programs scccmh-board-members scccmh-staff


Evaluation of Services for Individuals Who Are Intoxicated or Impaired

This document instructs staff on how to determine whether or not services for an intoxicated or impaired person should be postponed and rescheduled due to the individual inability to benefit from services.

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Family Planning and Health Information

This administrative procedure provides direction to employees regarding a recipient?s right to receive notice of the availability of family planning and health information services as established by the Mental Health Code.

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Fingerprints, Photographs, Audio Recordings and Use of One-Way Glass

This administrative procedure provides direction to employees regarding the requirements for capturing fingerprints, photographs, or audio-recordings of recipients, and the requirements for the use of one-way glass for observation of a recipient as established by the Mental Health Code.

Keywords: image, recording, surveillance, consent

Administrative ProcedureContracted Network Providers, Directly Operated Programs, Interns, SCCCMH Board Members, SCCCMH Staff, Volunteersadmin-procedurecontracted-network-providers directly-operated-programs interns scccmh-board-members scccmh-staff volunteers


First Aid Kits

This document ensures the CARF requirement of the availability of adequately stocked First Aid kits at all of our locations and agency vehicles.

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Freedom of Information Act Requests

This document provides the processes to obtain information. It includes who can release information and associated costs.

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Freedom of Movement

This document provides direction to employees regarding a resident?s right to not have their freedom of movement limited unless the resident demonstrates an imminent risk of physical harm to themselves or others. The document includes treatment team involvement approval of Behavior Treatment Plan Review Committee, used of the special consent and training regarding the parameters of the resident?s limitation.

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General Document Management

This document provides a system of structure for its general management and transmission of documents (non-case record). Procedures for electronic/file path name, facsimile and mail.

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General Fund Waiting List

This administrative procedure provides a description of specific guidelines establishing Community Mental Health Services Program (CMHSP) General Fund (GF) Waiting List (WL) operations consistent with MDHHS technical guidelines.

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Goal Writing

This document provides the guidelines for writing goals, objectives and interventions in the IPOS/Treatment /Support Plans.

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Grievance Process

This document permits recipients of services the opportunity to voice their dis-satisfaction with services and provides the steps to ensure their complaint is heard by someone in authority and to receive some form of disposition or resolution.

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This policy provides definitions of the different types of guardianships and the process of obtaining guardianship for CMH recipients.

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Habilitation Supports Waiver

This document provides a description of HSW program, discusses requirements of PIHP, MDHHS and Medicare/Medicaid.

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Harassment Retaliation Following Rights Activity

This Board policy provides direction to employees regarding their right to not be discriminated against due to their involvement in a recipient rights complaint as established by the Mental Health Code.

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Health Care Chronological

This document describes a document used in residential settings to log/record all medical health activity including medication reviews, prescription, medication administrating (including PRN), lab tests, immunizations, eye, dental hearing exams etc. All entries are dated and signed by recording staff.

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Health Care Decisions and Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders

This Board policy provides direction to employees regarding the requirements of a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order and the responsibilities of employees in carrying out such an order as established by the Michigan Do-Not-Resuscitate Procedure Act.

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Health Care Information Privacy and Security and HIPAA Breach Notification

This document reaffirms to personnel that they must preserve the integrity and the confidentiality of client information.

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Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) Provisional Approval Process

This document describes the provisional approval that allows the Pre‐Paid Inpatient Health Plan (PIHP)/Community Mental Health Service Provider (CMHSP) to contract with new providers who do not have a current HCBS participant receiving Medicaid services in their setting, ensuring that providers are not institutional or isolating in nature.

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Housing Subsidy Limited Term Financial Assistance

This document defines what housing costs will be used and eligibility guidelines followed in the case of an emergency situation. This is to prevent an episode of homelessness or to provide limited term financial assistance.

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Illness Protocol for Community Based Programs

This document provides a process to maintain a safe and healthy environment for individuals and staff who attend community based programs. It includes disease-specific information, St. Clair County Health Department (SCCHD) reporting requirements, and exclusion guidelines as per SCCHD.

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Incident Reports

This document provides direction to employees regarding the reporting requirements for unusual incidents discovered about or exhibited by recipients as established by the Mental Health Code and CARF manual.

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Inclusion of Persons Served

This Board policy is to ensure the individuals we serve are included in creating, evaluating and operating of mental health and substance use disorder services, via LEP and Person First language documents, board participation, community education, surveys, Person Centered Planning, etc.

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Informed Consent, Consent for Treatment, and Information Distribution

This administrative procedure provides direction to employees regarding the right of recipients/recipients? guardians to give informed consent for services, medications, and the release of confidentiality, meaning a recipient/guardian has the legal capacity to give consent; has knowledge about their services/confidentiality; is able to comprehend the services they agree to receive/information they agree to release/exchange; and gives their consent voluntarily as outlined by the Mental Health Code and MDHHS Administrative Rules.

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Input From Individuals Served

This document ensures the involvement of the people we serve and stakeholders in the planning, decision making, implementation and evaluation of the services they received.

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Insurance Verification and Coverage, Billing and Refusal to Provide Information

This document describes how all persons seeking to receive services from SCCMHA are required to apply for any insurance coverage to which they are entitled. It outlines the process followed to obtain insurance and notify responsible party. Also it outlines the procedures for obtaining the appropriate insurance information and data entry.

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Interpreters for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired

This document ensures all Deaf/Hearing Impaired persons be given the opportunity to participate in and benefit from SCCCMHA programs or services in a manner that is equal to and as effective as the opportunities provided to hearing individuals.

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IT Department Technical Support

This document ascertains guidelines for technical assistance and related equipment provided by the Information Technology department.

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Jail Diversion and Juvenile Diversionary Activity

This Board policy outlines in detail the standards and requirements of the Jail Diversion Program and the process of linking individuals to the Jail Diversion Program.

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Keys Badges

This document provides the details the process for Facilities? to maintain agency keys, building access via electronic badges, activation, deactivation and permissions on electronic badges.

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Leases: Negotiations, Maintenance, and Repair

This Board policy is the processes used to have reasonable, fair and adequate lease agreements. This document in includes terms: appraisal, fair market value, option to extend and rent.

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Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

This Board policy ensures alignment with MDHHS standards to ensure that persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access and an equal opportunity to participate in our services, activities, programs and other benefits.

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Loss Prevention and Recovery of Data and Information

This document ensures that all data gathered and stored digitally shall be backed up in a secure manner and reside on server platforms controlled by SCCCMHA.

Keywords: loss prevention, data, recover

Administrative ProcedureContracted Network Providers, Directly Operated Programs, SCCCMH Board Members, SCCCMH Staffadmin-procedurecontracted-network-providers directly-operated-programs scccmh-board-members scccmh-staff


MDHHS Provider Registry Process

This documents includes the process to assist in maintaining the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Provider Registry and Program Approval process in compliance with the Medicaid Provider Manual and MDHHS/ Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan (PIHP) Medicaid Contract.

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Medical Appointment Information Record

This document describes a document used in residential setting to ensure proper and accurate communication occurs regarding medical conditions between the individual, care provider and physician.

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Medical Emergencies

This document is to ensure that individuals who experience a medical emergency while attending SCCCMHA/Contract Programs will receive appropriate first aid and medical treatment.

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Medication and Treatment Records

This document provides procedures that align with Adult Foster Care Licensing Rules which requires maintaining a separate Medication Record for each individual. The Medication Administration Record (MAR) is the form used for this process.

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Medication Errors

This document outlines the processes to be followed when a medication error occurs.

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Medication History

This document provides a process to maintain a record of any medical, dental, surgical, significant injury, specialist care, or hospitalization history.

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Medication Management

This document describes processes to be followed to ensure safe, accurate and effective use of all medications, which are prescribed, monitored, and/or handled by SCCCMHA staff, providers, and contracted direct service providers. It also provides for coordination between SCCCMHA and Peoples Clinic.

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Medication Review – Psychiatric Evaluation Appointment Preparation

This document outlines expectations regarding: information provided by group homes, AFC?s, and (contracted) Supported Living Arrangement homes during medication reviews or psychiatric evaluation appointments. It also gives direction re: expectations for completing SCCCMHA prescriber-ordered diagnostic testing in order to ensure availability of this data at subsequent medication review appointments.

Keywords: medication review, MR, psychiatric evaluation, PE

Administrative ProcedureCommunity Agency Contractors, Residential Programs, SCCCMH Staff, Specialized Foster Careadmin-procedurecommunity-agency-contractors residential-programs scccmh-staff specialized-foster-care


Mentoring Program

The purpose of the Mentoring Program is to provide support and guidance to employees in achieving their professional, career, and personal goals, enabling them to reach their full potential.

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Michigan Dept. of Labor & Economic Growth/ Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MDLEG/MRS)

This document highlights a vocational vendor that assist the people we serve with obtaining job placement. The process includes a referral system.

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Mobile Devices

This document explains the procedure and utilization of mobile devices.

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Model Payment System/Adult Services Authorized Payments

This documents describes Model Payment System and how it is utilized and implemented at SCCCHMA.

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Non-Employee Accident Report

This document provides a standard of practice for MMRM insurances purposes. It requires the completion of the Non ?Employee Accident form with his/her signature to track issues of near misses and/or injury of individuals who are not receiving services (visitors).

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Non-Residential Fee

This document ensures that a non-residential fee determination process will be followed in accordance with the procedures herein and according to Chapter 8 of the Mental Health Code and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Part 8, Subpart 1 and 2. No person will be denied services for their inability to pay. Persons in non-emergent care may be denied services for refusal to pay their assessed fee.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


OASIS E Prescribing

This document provides a description of the responsibility, standards and procedures in place to grant authority to prescribers, to issue electronic prescriptions as well as ensure prescribers meet and follow appropriate governmental guidelines etc. *St. Clair, Sanilac and Lapeer CMHs

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Outreach & Discharge

This document explains the purpose for outreach and how it is on-going until the person is discharged from services.

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Parent/Guardian Monitoring Program

This Board policy provides an overview of the Parent/Guardian Monitoring Program, which provides the parents and guardians of individuals residing in licensed facilities with the opportunity to evaluate the services provided to their family members/wards.

Keywords are: monitoring program, parent

Board PolicyContracted Network Providers, Directly Operated Programs, SCCCMH Board Members, SCCCMH Staffboard-policycontracted-network-providers directly-operated-programs scccmh-board-members scccmh-staff


Person Centered Planning Process, Individual Plan of Service

This Board policy explains the Person Center Planning Process and how it is tailored to the individual based upon the person served unique needs, strengths, abilities, and preferences as well as, identified challenges regardless to age, disability or residential setting. The document explains the initial steps to access services through completion of the IPOS/PCP including authorizations, goals objectives, interventions, Periodic Review, Amendments as well as, applicable documentation timeframes.

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Personal Care and Comprehensive Community Support Services Log and Foster Care Travel Voucher

This document describes how SCCCMHA ensures that services provided are in compliance with Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Administrative Rules.

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Personal Care Services

This document identifies how all Medicaid eligible individuals served in a licensed residential facility (specialized and non-specialized) will be assessed for person care services and what documentation needs to be completed by applicable staff.

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Personal Funds

This administrative procedure provides direction to employees regarding a resident?s right to access and use their personal funds as they see fit as established by the Mental Health Code and MDHHS Administrative Rules, and Licensing and Regulatory Affairs rules for group homes, and the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs rules for group homes.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Personal Involvement with Community Mental Health Recipients

This document explains that personal involvement with a recipient of services beyond the scope of therapeutic involvement, unless documented in the record and approved by the employee?s/volunteer?s supervisor and the guardian, is considered unprofessional, misuse of the clinical relationship, against agency policy / administrative procedures, and will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

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Personal Possessions-Publications/ Media Access

This administrative procedure provides direction to employees regarding a resident?s right to have access to and use of their personal possessions, entertainment materials, and news as established by the Mental Health Code and MDHHS Administrative Rules, and the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs rules for group homes.

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Personal Protective Equipment

This document ensures the availability and use of Personal Protective Equipment for staff, guest and persons served when applicable, and when there is a potential for injury or occupational hazards that may occur from exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

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Personnel – Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

This documents provides the process/eligibility to seek Employee Assistance Program and provides the approved sites for this service.

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Personnel: Alcohol and Drug Testing

This document provides the who, how, when, where, and why we test; adherence to DOT regulations.

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Personnel: Background Checks

This document provides background check requirements & process.

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Personnel: Changes in Employment Status and/or Personal Information

This document explains the of how to report changes in personal information and the process for updating personnel system(s).

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Personnel: CMH Employment Reference Checks/Requests

This document explains the requirements and reprocess for pre-employment reference checks.

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Personnel: Conferences/Training/Workshops

This document provides the processes to attend conference/training/workshop.

Keywords: conference, training, request

Administrative ProcedureSCCCMH Staffadmin-procedurescccmh-staff


Personnel: Corrective/Disciplinary Action

This document provides the process for investigating, documenting and administering discipline. Listed are levels of disciplinary events/actions and results.

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Personnel: Disability Plan Process

This documents explains what constitutes short and long term disability, as well as the process for requesting these benefits.

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Personnel: Dress Code

This document provides a description of appropriate vs. inappropriate attire.

Keywords: dress code, clothing, tattoo, shoe, jewelry, piercing, odor, grooming, hair, nail

Administrative ProcedureSCCCMH Staff, Students, Volunteersadmin-procedurescccmh-staff students volunteers


Personnel: Employee Medical Situations

This document explains the process to Record accidents and receive medical treatment.

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Personnel: Employee Performance Review and Development

This document explains the performance review process to evaluate employees work ethic, ability and or skills. Probation periods, job transfers and job development are included in this document.

Keywords: performance review, evaluation, assessment

Administrative ProcedureSCCCMH Staffadmin-procedurescccmh-staff


Personnel: Employee Tuberculosis (T.B.) Screening

This document explains who is required or recommended to receive screening.

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Personnel: Employee, Student, and Volunteer Orientation & Training

This document provides the steps to ensure new and transferred employees, students, and volunteers have thorough and comprehensive orientation to agency/program/policies.

Keywords: student, volunteer, orientation, training

Administrative ProcedureSCCCMH Staff, Students, Volunteersadmin-procedurescccmh-staff students volunteers


Personnel: Harassment in the Workplace

This document defines harassment and explains what to do in the event of report of/suspected harassment.

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Personnel: Hepatitis B Immunization Program

This document identifies who is eligible and process to obtain vaccination.

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Personnel: Job Descriptions – Functional Job Task List (FJTL)

This document explains the development and maintenance of job descriptions and functional job task lists.

Keywords: job description, functional job task list, FJTL,

Administrative ProcedureSCCCMH Staffadmin-procedurescccmh-staff


Personnel: Lactation Accommodations

The purpose of this Administrative Directive is to publish standards and procedures for Lactation Accommodations immediately pending a new Administrative Procedure on the subject. St. Clair County
Community Mental Health Authority (SCCCMHA) shall follow the federal requirements set forth by the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act, which amended the Fair Labor Standards Act in order to provide reasonable accommodations, in a safe environment, to help nursing employees meet their infant feeding goals while at work.

Administrative Directiveadmin-directive


Personnel: Leaves of Absence: FMLA

This document provides the guidelines for requesting leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

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Personnel: Leaves of Absence: Union, Educational, Disability and Other

This documents explains the process to request a leave of absence that is not covered by Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

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Personnel: New Employee Processing

This document explains the procedures for hiring new employees.

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Personnel: Personal Use of Cell Phone

This document explains restriction of cell phone use during paid working hours.

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Personnel: Personnel Records

This document outlines the format and maintenance process of personnel records.

Keywords: personnel file, personnel record

Administrative ProcedureSCCCMH Staffadmin-procedurescccmh-staff


Personnel: Posting/Selection/Hiring

This document provides the process for hiring in compliance with federal and state laws.

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Personnel: Request for Review of Job Grade Level

This document explains the process to evaluate a specific job when it is believed responsibilities are at a higher level than appropriate for its current grade level.

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Personnel: Resignation/Retirement/Termination Process

This document identifies who does what when someone leaves employment.

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Personnel: Solicitations Policy

This Board policy explains the restrictions of solicitations in order to minimize interference with agency operations.

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Personnel: Staff Student Placement

This document provides the guidelines for staff who do an (unpaid) internship at CMH while also employed by CMH.

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Personnel: Student and Volunteer Workers

This documents explains the process for onboarding students and volunteers.

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Personnel: Supervision of SCCCMH Staff

This document provides requirements that supervision must be provided to all staff.

Supervision, supervisory plan outline, case consultation

Administrative ProcedureSCCCMH Staffadmin-procedurescccmh-staff


Personnel: Temporary Assignment/Employment

This document explains the rules and parameters for temp assignments and employment.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Personnel: Transfer Request, Transfer and Reassignments

This document provides the guidelines for processing transfer requests, transfers and reassignments in accordance with Union contracts.

Keywords: transfer, reassignment

Administrative ProcedureSCCCMH Staffadmin-procedurescccmh-staff


Personnel: Tuition/Training /Endorsement/Certification Reimbursement Agreement

This document defines the eligibility criteria and process to request reimbursement

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Personnel: Work Schedules; Leavetime; Overtime; Timecards

This document identifies work time options, benefits and how to request time off and how to record time worked.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Petty Cash

This document describes the use and amounts of petty cash funds and how they are handled.

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Phlebotomy and Blood Tests

It shall be the policy of the St. Clair County Community Mental Health Authority (SCCCMHA) to perform blood draws optimally and appropriately completed by national- or state-certified phlebotomy technicians (CPT). If only state-certified, it must be obtained in the State of Michigan.

Keywords: blood, lab, phlebotomy,

Administrative ProcedureDirectly Operated Programs, SCCCMH Staffadmin-proceduredirectly-operated-programs scccmh-staff


Policies Under Review

List of current policies under review.

Under Reviewunder-review


Policy Committee: Policy and Form Management

This Board policy provides a standardized structure for SCCCMHA policies/administrative procedures and ensures representation from most SCCCMHA departments to ensure procedures are congruent with application and that all policies and, applicable forms, receive an annual review. Forms development are part of this document.

Board Policyboard-policy


Policy Exceptions

This document provides the opportunity for a legitimate exception. Users of can be internal (employees) or external (contract providers: individuals and/or agencies). Application of this policy allows St. Clair CMHA to keep track of exception(s) via form #232 Policy/Administrative Procedures Exception.

Keywords: exception, adjustment

Administrative ProcedureContracted Network Providers, Directly Operated Programs, SCCCMH Board Members, SCCCMH Staffadmin-procedurecontracted-network-providers directly-operated-programs scccmh-board-members scccmh-staff


Procedure Codes and Definitions

This document provides descriptions of standard procedure codes to be used throughout the entire region. These codes will be compliant with state and federal regulations.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Procurement and Provider Selection Process

This Board policy provides the processes to select a qualified provider through various methods, including sole sourcing, use of a Request for Information (RFI) any willing and qualified provider or competitive procurement process for certain designated services as required by federal and state rules on provider selection and procurement. Process includes Request for Proposal as well.

Board Policyboard-policy


Protected Health Information – Privacy Measures

This document ensures written procedures are in place to meet Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH) privacy standards.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Provider Enrollment and Credentialing

This documents explains the requirements and process to ensure only qualified employees and contract providers (organizations and practitioners) provide services to the people we serve. Professional classifications are defined, populations are identified and terms/timeframes are enforced.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Provider Enrollment in OASIS

This documents provides a description of provider enrollment process whereby employee information is submitted and entered into the OASIS Software system. This process will facilitate data entry for First and/or Third Party billing.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Provider Rate Development

This document describes the process for calculating the rates for fee-for-service and shadow fee for service payments and the official guidelines followed.

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Provider Registry Process

This document explains the process to attain, maintain and review applications from current and potential contract agency and independent contractor providers.

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Psychiatric Services and Medications Reviews

This document describes the processes for obtaining, scheduling, providing, and documenting psychiatric services. It includes the process for managing appointments in which the recipient neither attends nor cancels.

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Psychological Testing -Referral

This document describes the process of determining and obtaining a psychological evaluation for an individual when clinical need mandates.

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Psychotropic Medication and Informed Consent

This administrative procedure provides direction to employees regarding the procedures for obtaining informed consent for psychotropic medication as established by the Mental Health Code.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Public Communications and Marketing

This Board policy ensures all communications with the general public including media are presented in a clear & consistent format, along with a logo design & required reading proficiency levels.

Keywords: media, interview, community engagement, marketing, promotional material, flyers, brochures, community relations.

Board PolicySCCCMH Staffboard-policyscccmh-staff


Quality Improvement Council

This Board policy provides a description of the Quality Improvement Council membership and responsibilities.

Board Policyboard-policy


Recipient Rights

This Board policy provides a general overview of the recipient rights protection system as established by the Mental Health Code.

Board Policyboard-policy


Recipient Rights Advisory Committee

This Board policy provides an overview of the composition and functions of the Recipient Rights Advisory Committee as established by the Mental Health Code.

Board Policyboard-policy


Recipient Rights Complaint Process – Substance Use Disorder Services Program

This document provides a general overview of the recipient rights complaint investigation system for recipients receiving substance use disorder services as established by the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Community and Health Systems, Substance Use Disorder Services Programs, and the Mental Health Code.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Recipient Rights in Substance Use Disorder Services Programs

This Board policy provides a general overview of the recipient rights protection system for recipients receiving substance use disorder services as established by the United States Code of Federal Regulations, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Community and Health Systems, Substance Use Disorder Services Programs, and the Mental Health Code.

Board Policyboard-policy


Record Retention and Disposal – Administrative and Case Record

This document identifies various types of documentation, regulations for how long it must be stored and when it can be discarded.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Referrals for Collaborative Treatment

This document is to ensure a collaborative approach to care through the coordination of care, treatment and community based services. The document applies to internal and external referrals including: dental, self- management support, health education and health promotion.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Refused or Omitted Medications

This document provides a process for when medications are omitted or an individual refuses their medication.

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Release of Case Record Information

This document provides the process of releasing information related to an individual?s record.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Removal and Exclusion of Individuals from Site-Based Services

This documents identifies the circumstances for which an individual can be removed from site-based services to an alternative treatment service and the steps to do so.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect

This policy provides direction to employees regarding the reporting requirements for known or suspected abuse or neglect of a recipient as established by the Mental Health Code and MDHHS Administrative Rules, Child Protection Law, and the Social Welfare Act.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Resident Labor

This administrative procedure provides direction to employees regarding a resident?s right to not be required to perform labor as a condition of their residential placement, but rather as agreed upon by the resident and with payment to the resident in accordance with federal and state labor laws and as established by the Mental Health Code and MDHHS Administrative Rules, and the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs rules for group homes.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Resident’s Use of Tobacco

This document provides direction to employees regarding a resident?s right to use tobacco on the property of a licensed facility unless the facility has a policy that restricts tobacco use and provides the policy to the resident prior to the resident?s admission to the licensed facility. This policy pertains to residents who are 21 years of age and older.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Residential Fire Drills Safety

This document explains the process to ensure fire safety awareness in residential facilities and the logging of fire evacuation drills as required by the Fire Safety Code and Michigan Licensing.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Respite Services

This document identifies who is eligible for Respite Services, explains what is and is not included with Respite Services, and outlines the procedures for requesting Respite.

Keywords: respite

Administrative ProcedureDirectly Operated Programs, SCCCMH Staffadmin-proceduredirectly-operated-programs scccmh-staff


Restraint and Seclusion

This Board policy provides direction to employees regarding their inability to use restraint (physical device used to restrict the movement of a recipient) or seclusion (temporary placement of a recipient in a room where egress is prevented by any means) on a recipient while providing services to a recipient in any service location outside of a licensed psychiatric hospital or child-caring institution as established by the Mental Health Code.

Board Policyboard-policy
Review Memo

Review for policy 02-001-0030

Under Reviewunder-review


Safety Precautions for in Office Services

This document promotes safety for employees and persons served when providing services in the office (individual session, group session and program).

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Safety Precautions for Out of the Office Services

This document provides Safety guidelines to frontline St. Clair CMHA employees when they provide services in the community.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Satisfaction Survey

This Board policy provides a description of the Satisfaction Survey process.

Board Policyboard-policy


Seat Belt Use

This documents sets forth expectations for staff and passengers in CMH owned vehicles, as well as personal vehicles used for official agency business based on state law.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure



This document describes management of seizures, as well as post-seizure management. Includes documentation expectations.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Self-direction (Self-Directed Arrangements)/ Choice Voucher

This Board policy assures that Self Determination/Directed (SD)arrangements are available to all adult individuals with a mental illness and /or developmental disability who are eligible for public mental health services. Choice Voucher is what Self Determination/Direction is called for children. SD involves a Fiscal Intermediary or Financial Management Service to assure fiduciary accountability of the individuals served budget and support as defined in contract. Roles and activities are explained.

Keywords are: self-directed services, self-determination, choice voucher

Board PolicyContracted Network Providers, Directly Operated Programs, SCCCMH Board Members, SCCCMH Staffboard-policycontracted-network-providers directly-operated-programs scccmh-board-members scccmh-staff


Sentinel Events, Critical Incidents and Risk Events

This Board policy provides direction to employees regarding the reporting requirements for reportable events (sentinel events, critical incidents, and risk events) as established by the MDHHS, Mental Health and Substance Use Services, Guidance on Sentinel Events Reporting and CARF manual.

Board Policyboard-policy


Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals

This policy provides a definition for Service Animal and Support Animals and provides the two questions that businesses can ask owners to verify the Service Animal qualification.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Smoking and Tobacco-Free SCCCMH Campus

This document promotes and enforces a smoke-free CMH campus.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Social Security Numbers Privacy

This document establishes guidelines to ensure confidentiality of social security numbers.

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Specialized Foster Care Rate Determination

This document describes assessment process to determine a proposed level of care rate for Specialized Foster Care reimbursement.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Specialized Residential Fee

This document describes the procedures followed in the Specialized Residential Fee Determination Process, and state guidelines used.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Specialized/Enhanced Medical Equipment and Supplies, Environmental Modifications and/or Enhanced Pharmacy

This document provides a description of how individuals who are not covered by any other funding sources, may submit a request for funds for these items. The purpose is to enable their greater independence.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Spravato Clinic

This document ensures a coordinated management system regarding the prescribing and monitoring of the medication Spravato. The document instructs the Prescriber to follow the requirements and guidelines set forth in Spravato REMS Program.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Staff Meetings

This document is to ensure staff meetings occur in each program to promote the collection, dissemination and utilization of relevant information between line staff, supervisors and management staff.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Standing Medication Orders (SMOs)

This document defines the process for providing minor symptom relief using over the counter medications in compliance with doctor or mid-level practitioner orders/prescriptions.

Keywords: SMO, drugs, medications

Administrative ProcedureCommunity Agency Contractors, Directly Operated Programs, Residential Programs, SCCCMH Staff, Specialized Foster Careadmin-procedurecommunity-agency-contractors directly-operated-programs residential-programs scccmh-staff specialized-foster-care


Standing Missed Medication Orders (SMMO)

This document provides for a physician ordered procedure if medication is missed or refused. This can include permitting medication to be administered later than the regularly scheduled dose in order to promote medication adherence.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure



This document provides information about response to subpoenas and fees.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Table of Contents: Forms

Forms Table or Contents

Table of Contentstable-of-contents


Table of Contents: Policies

Policy Table of Contents

Table of Contentstable-of-contents



This document describes the requirements and process for providing psychiatric services via video-conferencing while remaining in compliance with regulatory guidelines.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure



This document explains the process for planning, requesting, approving, organizing, managing and tracking training.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Transfer of Cases, Records and Security

This document provides the guidelines to securely transfer case records between programs and or agency within the mental health system in a coordinated and consistent manner that promotes continuity of care.

Keywords: transfer, cases, program, placement

Administrative ProcedureContracted Network Providers, Directly Operated Programs, SCCCMH Staffadmin-procedurecontracted-network-providers directly-operated-programs scccmh-staff


Transportation/Driver Requirements

This document establishes procedures and protocols for CMH staff transportation staff (primarily CMH van drivers), including alternate drop off plans, required training for staff, safe and secure transport of individuals.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Transporting and Home-Delivery of Medications

This document describes the process for ensuring a medication supply for recipients requiring medication be given while at program. It also describes the process for ensuring the safe and proper transfer of home medications for individuals requiring their medication be home-delivered.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Transporting Individuals Receiving Services in Personal Vehicles

This document provides the procedures and protocols established for CMH staff who are not able to reserve a CMH owned vehicle, but are required to transport an individual receiving services in their personal vehicle.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Travel and Business Reimbursement

This document describes how employees will be reimbursed for expenses incurred during the performance of their job responsibilities, or for expenses incurred at approved activities.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Treatment Authorization

This document explains that all services must be authorized by the appropriately credentialed staff prior to services implementation, except urgent hospitalization, for which authorization is may be obtained after treatment. Also, authorization must meet a medically necessary threshold initially and periodically. The document provides timeframes for authorizations and references grievance and appeal processes as well as, the UM review processes.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Treatment by Spiritual Means

This administrative procedure provides direction to employees regarding a recipient?s right to obtain treatment by spiritual means, which is a spiritual discipline or school of thought that a recipient wishes to rely on to aid in their physical or mental recovery, as established by the Mental Health Code.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Unauthorized Leave from Residential Program/Specialized Foster Care Home

This administrative procedure provides direction to employees regarding the reporting requirements for incidents where a resident (recipient residing in a licensed facility) is unaccounted for/leaves the facility without prior authorization as established by the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs rules for group homes.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Unauthorized Leave From Site Based Services

This document defines unauthorized Leave of absence and identifies the step to take to ensure the safety of the individual.

Keywords: unauthorized leave, missing, elopes

Administrative ProcedureContracted Network Providers, Directly Operated Programs, SCCCMH Staffadmin-procedurecontracted-network-providers directly-operated-programs scccmh-staff


Uniform Grant Guidance

This document identifies the regulatory guidelines and documents the procedures for the administration of federal awards (grants) and internal controls in place as required.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Use of Agency Vehicle

This documents gives the rules, procedures, guidance for CMH staff to reserve and drive agency owned vehicles.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Use of CMH Facilities & Equipment

This document ensures there are write procedures and processes to be followed when using SCCCMHA facilities and equipment.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Use of Social Media, Texting, and Email

This document implements best practices regarding use of social media, texting, and email relative to current laws and agency guidelines.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Utilization Management

This document provides the guidelines for clinical and fiscal service accountability via case record and claims reviews. Areas of focus include, diagnosis (medical necessity), funding sources, claims integrity, quality, credentialing requirements and documentation timeframes. It also identifies the UM team composition and tools (documents) used to measure and report UM results.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Vehicle Maintenance

This document provides guidance for Facilities? to provide regular maintenance on CMH owned vehicles, documenting performed maintenance, process for staff to notify Facilities? of any CMH vehicle related issues.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Vehicles: Accidents/Name Releases

This document provides the procedures and protocols to be followed in the event of an accident involving a CMH owned vehicle, also establishes the standard to follow if law enforcement requests the names of individuals receiving services as part of their investigation.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Veterans Services

This document outlines the process of providing and coordinating services and supports to Military Staff and veterans residing in St. Clair County that promote Recovery in accordance the Veterans Health Administration.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Weapons and/or Drugs in the Workplace

This Board policy defines weapons and drugs as well as, the procedures to take when confronted by a person with a weapon or when drugs (legal and illegal are suspected or found. Note the perpetrators may include employees.

Board Policyboard-policy


Working Remotely

This document provides the standards, procedures, criteria, and guidelines for determining appropriateness of remote work.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure


Zero Suicide: Suicide Prevention Program

This document sets forth the Standards of Care implemented with individuals receiving SCCCMHA services to ensure a commitment to individual safety and active engagement while striving for zero suicides per the ZERO SUICIDE evidence-based model of care. The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), Life Events Checklist, Lethality assessment, etc. are referenced.

Administrative Procedureadmin-procedure